
Introduction | Esoteric Cosmology | Thaumatology

Why then should witless man so much misweene
That nothing is but that which he hath seene? 

Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene

In Esoteric Cosmology I wrote about the more bizarre yet observable, scientific properties of our universe. The subtlest aspects of our physical reality, no matter how inscrutable or magic-like they appear to us now are still ultimately explainable in a scientific manner. 

But there is one other aspect to physical reality that I would like to discuss: the presence of literal miracles. For lack of a better term and to defer to simplicity, we shall refer to this miraculous phenomena as Magic. Miracles, or magical events, are defined as discrete instances in space-time where the physical laws of reality are not merely bent but fundamentally reordered.

Miracles do exist. I can attest to having seen many performed with my own eyes.1

Furthermore, I have worked countless literal miracles myself when inhabiting the body of that strange, elfin wizard Parciloquy the Peculiar. Direct experience is how I know that miraculous magic not only exists, it is something which can be studied and understood—to a degree, of course.

We have defined magic as being a localized event where the physical laws of nature are arbitrarily changed in novel ways. It is important to understand the distinction between real magic and the merely paranormal; while a great deal of advanced science and technologies can appear magical to us, they are most certainly not. So to be clear, when I write about magic and miracles I am speaking of physical impossibilities made real.

Given the flexibility of the physical universe, even bizarre occurrences such as temporal paradoxes are not themselves necessarily magical. Physical and temporal paradoxes are the primary catalysts for the presence of magic within a discrete unit of space-time, however.

What this suggests is that while magic defies physicality as we understand the term, we can still learn to pinpoint its existence and characteristics by examining its paraphysical elements.2

Furthermore, Magical Potential can be both quantified (size and density) and qualified (the canniness3 of magical expressions within the locality).

Scientifically establishing the existence of miracles is frequently difficult for the Earthic timelines; in our timeline it seems virtually impossible.

Fortunately, the scientific pursuit of magic has been a subject of research in the Agarthic timelines for millenia.4 The Agarthans of both Patala and Atlass are historical magic-obsessed and have devoted countless hours to its study.

Even so the literally billions of pages written on the subject can be boiled down to a few base arguments:

  1. Magic originates in a higher form of reality beyond the physical universe.
  2. Magic leaks into the physical universe by way of physical-temporal paradoxes.
  3. Magic is the underlying force which causes negentropy.

The predominant philosophical viewpoint among the Agarthics is that magic is a sort of universal janitor or garbage collector, cleaning up the paradoxes that arise naturally within the physical universe. Among the Earthic scientists and researchers of Atlantis, magic is often thought of as a cousin to probability, a super-force aggregated from all entropic and negentropic manifestations in all physical space-times.

In any event, miracles seem to be the universe’s way of cutting through the numerous Gordian knots that arise due to black holes and supernovae and even pesky time travelers like myself and hopefully your grandchildren. Perhaps that fateful day in a Ladakh yet to come will usher in far more than mere power plants and space ships for Earth.

The Thaumatadiastasis

The quasi-dimension which exists outside the enneract hypercube is called the Thaumatadiastasis by the Agarthics. It surrounds and suffuses the quasi-infinity of the multiverse, yet is itself completely static and connected to every timeline. Some Earthic and Agarthic scientists have posited that it is a dimension of a hypothetical super-universe of which our quasi-infinite multiversity is but a small component. 

Based on this idea of a paraphysical super-infinity the eminent Atlantean scientist Nabu Ben Elish posited that the four fundamental forces are themselves not the result of the enneract dimensions acting on each other, but rather other unknown supra-dimensions acting upon the enneract dimensions.5

While his theory of a ten-dimensional Sefirot Universe6 has its refutations amongst the Agarthics, it also provides an elegant paradigm for the coexistence of the thaumatadiastasis and enneract hypercube. At any rate, such conjecture exists at the limit of theory at which even mathematics fails.

For, unlike even the mind-bending properties of the Singularity or the negative dimensions, the Thaumatadiastasis has no nature or physical properties which are possible to understand in an empirical manner aside from perhaps one: like a dream, its physicality manifests spontaneously out of reflexive negentropy.

As stated, unlike the physical enneract dimensions, the Thaumatadiastasis exists outside of both space and time. Like Hilbert, Minkowski or Tesseract space, the Thaumatadiastasis can be thought of as a physical space-time manifold even though it actually is not. This is due to its strange ability to spontaneously create and destroy any possible combination of particles in any possible state.

Merely by physically existing within this super-dimensional construct, your entire physical environment is created for you ad hoc and will continue to persist even after your death. This is why the Thaumatadiastasis can also be thought of as a quasi-multiversity: each time physical beings are pulled into the dream realm, they create what is essentially a new pocket universe around themselves.

These new worlds created around these life forms who fall out of time and space only mimic our physical universe, however. They are not truly new universes, but mere simulations of them based on the encoded memories of the living interloper.

In reality, that combination of particles that happens to be an exact replica of your ex-wife is not actually her no matter how much she pleads when you are forced to dissolve her because her body—which you created in a moment of supreme mal du suisse—had become the host for an infiltrating succubus from the Tesseract realm of Gehenna.

Magical manipulation is the typical method that conscious beings have gained direct access to the Dream Realm of the thaumatadiastasis itself, but as just mentioned can also represent a real hazard to those who wander in by accident. Intelligent beings appear to be the most in danger in these cases as the thaumatadiastasis shapes itself to the will of that which enters it.

A fox finding itself in the Dream Realm would likely live out eternity in an infinite forest hunting prey and eluding predators. As an intelligent being, however, your options are unfortunately far more numerous. The luckiest of those sentients who manage to find their way into the Dream Realm of the thaumatadiastasis often end up deposited in a completely new timeline without knowing how they got there. Most, however, become trapped forever in a heaven or hell of their own making. A select few become gods.

The physical particles existing within the Thaumatadiastasis do not exist there on their own. All matter and energy which exists there is due to the living or formerly-living physical life forms which have found their way into it. Therefore, while the existence of the thaumatadiastasis is an established fact its true nature is regarded by many as fundamentally unknowable. Per the 42nd Aeon Agarthic thaumaturge and philosopher Panos To-Paidithaumos, this is generally attributed to the fact that any direct experience with it is merely a reflection of the being experiencing it.

To-Paidithaumos suggests that the Thaumatadiastasis does not exist as we understand existence; rather, it is itself a state of potential existence. Only by introducing matter and energy from a physical universe can it be observed to have existence. The Thaumatadiastasis does not have a physical space-time manifold until something which expects one enters it.

The curious ability of the thaumatadiastatic plane to create an ad hoc reality around a life form based upon its genetic and electro-chemical memories ensures that anything that comes into contact with it will see only a reflection of themselves and not the true nature of the Thaumatadiastasis. Perhaps it has no deeper truth than what individuals like you, my cat, myself or the plethora of microbes who inhabit us would bring to it.

Some believe it is a byproduct of the temporal vibration which manifests as the multiversity. Very common is the poet who draws comparisons between it and the ocean foam which spawned the goddess Aphrodite.7

Philosophy and poetry aside, it is very likely that we will never truly know why or how this dream realm exists.

Magic as a Physical Interaction

The interaction of the Thaumatadiastasis on the physical dimensions manifests as Thaumatadiastatic Radiation. As mentioned this radiation is physically emitted through dimensional and temporal paradoxes that arise within the physical universe. It is also emitted in relatively low levels by all organic cells (both living and otherwise), though its potential for concentration and emission becomes significant in intelligent beings.

Thaumatadiastatic radiation is a non-ionizing form of radiation whose strangeness immediately becomes apparent when considering its constituent particle the Logon. First introduced as a concept to the third dimension in the 18th Aeon of Agarth by Bazaal the Corruptor,8 logon particles are devilishly hard to notice because upon observation they spontaneously become what the observer expects them to become.

The most obvious yet simultaneously hidden manifestation of this is through the emission of thaumatadiastatic radiation by living creatures. We experience these emissions as growth and reproduction, the negentropic essence of life itself. However, this is also not at all obvious at first even to those living in high-magic localities.

This is because the translation of the emitted logons into constituent protons, baryons, electrons and such takes place autonomically; because the cell expects to divide, it does. When we observe a cell dividing, that is all we see. The process by which a logon is translated into its constituent particle is instantaneous.

Despite this conundrum of the observer, we are still able to measure the presence of thaumatadiastatic radiation in a system. There have been a number of schemes over the millenia in both Earth and Agarth to measure the physical existence of magic, but I am most familiar with the most popular method: measuring the vibrational oscillation of cellular matter when subjected to  intense magnetism.

When a living cell is subjected to intense magnetism, you will find its natural vibration develops a minute stutter. The length of the stutter has been found to be proportional to the magical potential of the cell. It is already a given fact amongst magical practitioners that magnetism has a deadening or warping effect on magical expression, though with limited results. This is why magnets are such a common charm among simple folk despite the danger of magnetic poisoning and their general lack of efficacy.9

Thanks to this observation, we are also able to measure both local and cosmic thaumatadiastatic radiation through the pseudoscientific principle of Sympathy.10

When running the magnet test on one half of a specimen of logon-rich matter which has been divided sympathetically, one half of the specimen is isolated from magnetic forces and the other is subject to extreme magnetism. The isolated sample will show the same oscillations in cellular frequency as the other. Thus, when one sample is translocated to an area known to be high in background magic, the reverse occurs.

As mentioned the primary source of logon particles in the universe is believed to be temporal or dimensional paradoxes. These paradoxes create areas of physical space and time which are rich with thaumatadiastatic energy which can be measured by its effect on biological cells. The inverse of subjecting a cell to intense magnetism, introducing a cell to intense thaumatadiastatic energy seems to “supercharge” its molecules such that its own subsequent emission of thaumatadiastatic radiation appears to increase.

The result of supercharging a living cell in such a way typically results in the duplication of whatever thing it was extracted from: a spontaneous and complete regeneration. Additionally, the cellular frequency of the specimen appears to suffer less from aberrations brought on by interaction with magnets. This has diminishing returns, however.

In his series of “Dog Almighty” experiments, the 19th-century Upsilon Earth thaumatologist Merlin Cholmondeley repeatedly murdered and reincarnated his beloved pet dog Beowulf over the course of three weeks at the mystical shrine of Stonehenge. With a sample set of several hundred corpses and his final living incarnation of Beowulf, he was able to show that logon enrichment follows a bell curve with greatly diminishing returns after a certain point.11

This fact is interesting in that it also suggests it played an evolutionary role in living cells’ immunity to weak magnets and background magnetism such as that of the planetary magnetosphere. This is similar to the hardening of cells against the background radiation present everywhere in our environment.

Thus, when one half a sympathetic union is located in a locality of high magic and its other half is subjected to intense magnetism in an area with normal or low magic, neither end up suffering the cellular degradation that comes from magnet poisoning.

We are thus able to measure a locality’s inherent levels of thaumatadiastatic radiation. As one can imagine, this test has also been used frequently for the location of unseen physical paradoxes that pop up from time to time. It is also important to note that every test ever devised requires the presence of a physical life form as an observer.

What is thaumatadiastatic radiation or its quasi-particle the logon if there is nothing living to observe it? Some have argued that it is true, physical nothingness: a paradox in itself which makes nothing into something. I do not feel that this is a good description, however, as it gives the impression that it is the “nothingness” of empty space itself, the dimensional aetheric lattice produced by the Big Bang and in which physicality exists. 

Looking at a logon as a quantum of nothing is a wholly incorrect viewpoint, although it is a viewpoint that falls in and out of fashion among the initiated. I believe it persists due to an ignorance of how dimensional manifolds construct the phenomenon of physicality. The pseudo-reality of the logon quantum is quite different.

The best description of a logon particle existing outside of living observation would state that it is an aggregate of every potential state occupying physical space simultaneously. It is Everything, Everywhere and Everywhen and by virtue of that state it is also Nothing At All

You can see where logonic nothingness is a concept ripe for misinterpretation. A logon is nothing, but it is also everything. Perhaps it is a psychological mercy we are not able to directly perceive logon particles as they actually exist as they could be said to truly be Chaos Incarnate.

Magic and the Temporal Multiversity

Earlier I defined Magic and Miracles as being local units of space-time in which physicality has been arbitrarily changed. As we now know, the physical process which creates magic is catalyzation of thaumatadiastatic radiation.

Of course it is far more complicated than that, and the lexicon of scientific thaumatology can sometimes sound as if it were borrowed directly from quantum physics: parton showers, probability cascades, lattice quantum chromodynamics are but a few of the mind-numbing and tongue-twisting concepts thaumatology shares with theoretical physics. 

Despite the essential chaos that thaumatadiastatic radiation represents, it has also not deterred attempts at the mathematical explications of its processes. Much of this work has been focused on the connection to thaumatadiastatic radiation and life itself. 

This has proven a fruitful path of research, particularly among scientists concerned with entropy and negentropy. Given life’s connection with thaumatadiastatic radiation, some have gone so far as to call the logon the basic physical quantum—the spark— which creates the phenomenon of life itself.

But as I have stated from the outset, our world of Alpha Earth seems to be completely devoid of magic. If so, how does that account for life here in our timeline?

Magic by its nature is a force which arbitrarily ignores the physical laws of the universe, therefore it is possible to both increase—or utterly annihilate—magic itself in discrete temporal quanta of the multiverse. I believe I have already hinted that the dearth of magic on Alpha Earth may be due to some catastrophic event in our past. 

It is possible that our Alpha Earth was once home to gods and wizards. Our myths and legends are full of the same ones who also truly existed in other timelines. It is entirely possible that all the miracles in all the holy books ever written were as true in the past of our Earth as they are in the other major Earthic timelines. 

What changed? Even Parciloquy the Peculiar seems to have not solved that puzzle. He and I share the belief that it is tied to the broken passage to our world from the Tower. What may have caused the annihilation of magic in Alpha Earth and broke the Alpha Gate within the Tower shall remain a mystery, it seems.12

There is hope (or despair, depending on your viewpoint) that Alpha Earth will someday regain its connection to magic. As I have already suggested, it is possible to travel corporeally to and from the Thaumatadiastasis itself. This is no doubt enabled by its miraculous nature, which by definition flies in the face of what we know as physical nature.

Within this realm of dreams reality shapes itself according to the will of the living things that sometimes fall into it. Thankfully, that appears to be relatively rare even in worlds rich with magical energy. This is no doubt due to the fact that the areas where these rifts occur naturally tend to be near deadly astronomical phenomena such as exploding stars.

As one would expect, magic-based travel between timelines and dimensions is common in high-magic worlds. Additionally, while true time travel within a single timeline is physically impossible, it is quite possible within the realm of magical expression.

This is due to the logon particle’s ability to mimic any physical state, including that of the chronon. The logonic probability cascade pattern always seems to flow from what particle state is probable to which state is expected. All life forms experience time in some fashion, so time is also mimicked when thaumatadiastatic radiation is converted into “magic.”

This expectation can be manipulated based on a thing’s perception of time, allowing it to be altered. There is perhaps no better exemplar of the magical manipulation of time than the series of 108 Portals and their respective Coins which are used to enter the Tower. I managed to collect quite a few, and thus I can attest that through the vehicle of magical expression, time can easily be treated as if it were your own private betamax player.

A scientific explanation for spatial and temporal translocation within a single timeline still defies any sort of explanation or experimentation. I have tried. Like a great deal of magical expression, it works because it does. It is the imagination of the mind which makes it possible; reality gets no say in the matter.

I cannot believe that Alpha Earth’s connection to the Thaumatadiastasis has been completely severed; based on all that I have learned it seems a true impossibility. Even if the path lies at the center of our galaxy, a way into the dream realm must still exist here somewhere or somewhen. If you are wise, you will take that as a warning as well as an inspiration.

Magic and Negentropy

I have discussed both thaumatadiastatic radiation and magic in the preceding paragraphs somewhat ambiguously in relation to each other. This is by necessity due to the nature of whatever interaction or particles make up the thaumatadiastasis which manifest in the physical universe as nothing short of discrete instances of pure potential. 

That is, thaumatadiastatic radiation is able to be measured and quantified but, similar to Schroedinger’s famous cat, it also seems to not exist until it is called into existence by a life-form. The result is what we typically call magic.

So how is it possible to measure something that does not exist? In short, it is not. The steps for measuring thaumatadiastatic radiation rely on series of short, timed magical spells; using technologically-driven arcane formulae, comparative analysis is performed on some ever-shifting number of variables to determine the magical potential of a local area of space-time. 

An area’s magical potential is equivalent to its background thaumatadiastatic radiation. The process for measuring magical potential is also far easier the smaller the area; measuring the magical potential for an entire universe is incredibly difficult, though it is possible as demonstrated by the experiments of Laddys Fermille mentioned earlier.

The magical potential of an area manifests in a chaotic variety of ways, but this manifestation can be reduced to one necessary element: the presence of some form or artifact of life. That is to say, while an area completely devoid of all life and evidence of life could have an incredible amount of magical potential, that potential will not manifest in any way.

This is rare of course, because life is incredibly abundant throughout all the known space-times of both multiverses. I suspect that once the technology of our own Earth (assuming we survive our current self-annihilation phase) progresses far enough that we become interstellar travelers, I would bet my life we will discover the same is true of our universe.

Because thaumatadiastatic radiation must be in the presence of life to manifest as magic, in its natural state it only affects life forms. Its effects on base matter or energy are limited to those catalyzed by some life-form or another. While it is not proven, it is also believed that the same or similar laws are at play within the other space-times that make up an enneract super-manifold. 

In very high-magic worlds, the interaction between organic life and magical energy has led to all sorts of bizarre and interesting flora and fauna. The study of magical potential has also led some to conclude that phenomena such as evolution itself is actually driven by magical potential rather than purely physical processes.

FNORD psst! Hey you! FNORD

Considering the activities of Parciloquy the Peculiar in our own world, I now take this theory as a simple fact. While our timeline seems to contain no real magic at all, his antics have proven otherwise. Even in a universe devoid of what we would consider fairy-tale miracles, the fundamental miracles of life and consciousness still surround and envelope us.

FNORD Yes, I mean you! What are you doing here? What do you think you’re going to learn by reading this? I have told you –many– times now that I have no knowledge of Parciloquy’s plans, or why he altered 500 years of Earth history, or why he seems to have had such an unrelenting obsession with Nerftiti and her various reincarnations. FNORD

Consciousness seems to be the cornerstone of magical realization in all the known timelines of both Earth and Agarth.13 No matter how fantastical or physics-defying a life form can be, it cannot fundamentally alter reality outside of itself without conscious will. 

Trees may be able to float across the sky, bacteria can cause a corpse to become reanimated, an eagle can produce the offspring of a lion, and far stranger things can occur from the lowest to highest life-forms due to magical potential. None of these life-forms are able to harness magical potential outside of instinct, however. Like advanced technology, only conscious beings are capable of harnessing the power of magic for novel or abstract ends.

FNORD I have told your lawyers and doctors and generals everything I know about the various places around the planet –literally, in some cases– where the Tower manifests. I have copied the diagrams you need to open the door as best as I can remember. What more do you want? FNORD

Conscious willpower filtered through a system of symbolic reasoning as possessed by all truly sentient beings has no known upper boundaries for magical application. Applied Magic is a science and an art based around tapping into the magical potential that exists around those beings seeking to apply it.

FNORD Believe me, I want you to open the door to the Wizard’s Tower. My own children think I am crazy, but you know better. Find the dead gateway before Parciloquy finds a way back, I implore you. FNORD

Magic as it is practiced by sentient beings such as humans has an infinite potential; indeed, I’ve already pointed out that magic has the ability to erase even its own existence! Because it completely disregards even the esoteric and mysterious aspects of our physical universe, magic is ultimately limited only by a magic user’s imagination.

A Note on the Paranormal

Much of what we call paranormal or supernatural are actually physical phenomena capable of being explained through the vehicle of science and mathematics; they appear to us as magical because they are not well-understood or even outright misunderstood. This matter is complicated by the fact that a great deal of supernatural phenomena are bound up with magical phenomena.

A good analogy is that of Harry Potter’s Flying Car. In one sense it is a normal combustion-engine automobile common to roadways around the world which operates according to all the standard, Euclidean laws of physics. However it has the ability to fly which is purely magical; a normal automobile not designed for flight nor does it have the ability to fly.

To us, there is nothing extraordinary about a car, particularly not the sort of car depicted by Ms. Rowling. However, to see the car lift off noiselessly into the air and fly away would be quite the spectacle. Because of our familiarity with the science behind the normal operation of the vehicle we are able to easily separate its normal function from its magical enhancement.

However, to a prehistoric tribe of humans the same car would appear entirely magical. Such a group of people would not be able to separate the natural function of its combustion engine to make the automobile noisily roll across the ground from the magic that also allows it to soar through the sky.

Such is often the difficulty for us to untangle the paranormal from the truly magical. This is why we often refer to purely physical processes (and invariably the technologies which take advantage of them) which are poorly understood in terms as if they were actual magic.

If you were to see the dread avatars of the Ancient Ones rise out of the sea like some Lovecraftian nightmare, certainly there would be no doubt in what little was left of your mind that you were seeing eldritch magic at work. However, what you are really seeing is the culmination of a million year-old genetics program conducted by a tesseract ubermensch within their equivalent of a petri dish.

Therefore, as strange and unsettling and no matter how magic-like unexplained physical phenomena or advanced technologies appear to be, not all are actually magical. The world of paranormal abilities and supernatural occurrences is often quite rational when viewed through an enneract lens.

As the British writer Arthur C. Clarke famously said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Paranormal “magic” follows this same principle with deference not simply to technology but to the laws of physics themselves. Particularly in a very low-magic world such as our own Alpha Earth, the strange and occult are most often the result of unknown physical processes if not trans-dimensional alien technology.

And given this broad nature of classification, it also should go without saying that untangling the purely paranormal from the truly miraculous is no easy task as the two invariably go hand-in-hand. In Alpha Earth untangling this distinction is often quite easy, but also quite impossible in virtually all the Agarthic timelines.

Magic, both living and trans-dimensional, is often employed as a catalyst for the manipulation of some physical force or other. Whether a picoscopic black hole is engineered and constructed or magically brought into existence is all the same to its use as a wormhole.

As an example, I have been able to drink the exact same perfect goblet of 1998 Châteauneuf du Pape14 several hundred times over the years I spent in the Tower. This was due to magical conjuration, of course, but I recall a conversation with a former compatriot who detailed how I could accomplish the same through a series of rather complex and dangerous-sounding time travel maneuvers.15

In a very high-magic timeline, physics and metaphysics have truly converged such that the universe itself appears to be dying under the strain of numerous infinite paradoxes. The line between the miraculous and demonic there is thin indeed; frankly I am surprised it’s able to exist at all in its state. Such is the power of magic.

It is necessary to draw this distinction between the miraculous and the mundane due to how muddied such distinctions become when we examine magic not merely as a pseudo-physical force, but as an expression of willpower by the life-forms who inhabit the multiverse.

Subjective Empiricism

I have already mentioned a number of concepts that range from accepted scientific facts to what the scientists from the International Energy Agency who interrogated me labelled pure rubbish. While I have already stated my ulterior motive for disseminating the scientific and theoretical ideas herein, I have also taken pains not to exclude the stranger and more illogical forces at work in the many worlds of the Wizard’s Tower.

This world we live in is itself a component of the Wizard’s Tower, albeit one whose connection seems to have been irrevocably severed. It is a version of Earth, based on my own experiences, which contains virtually no magical expression whatsoever. Many of the Earthic temporal branches which can be reached through the Tower have little  of the overt magical expression as is so common in the Agarthic worlds, but from what I can tell ours has by far the least magic of them all.

However, magical energy is a core feature of all realities at some level, and these other timelines are as alike to Alpha Earth as they are to each other. Therefore, I would stake my life that this timeline of Alpha Earth is fundamentally no different. I think life itself is an super-elemental expression of magic, and clearly our universe has at least some tiny ability for magical expression as proved by Parciloquy’s journey here and some of the unexplained phenomena surrounding his activities while inhabiting my body.

But outside of folk tales and religious traditions, and aside from the overwhelming evidence of Parciloquy’s secret campaign to hijack and accelerate the historical progress of human technology, there is little actual evidence for truly miraculous acts in the way there is in virtually all the other 107 worlds connected to the Tower.

Science and Magic stand hand-in-hand as inescapable cultural expressions the same as music, poetry, dance and the arts. All societies of conscious beings engage in some form of these expressionistic activities. This holds true even in our no-magic world. The expression of magic continues to be a driving cultural force, albeit one more akin to a cargo cult. 

For unlike many other worlds, the extreme paucity of the theorized particles which create magical expression in our world have made a lie of these and virtually all the other fundamental attempts to harness magical power. Thus, when we speak of Pseudoscience, it is invariably in regard to various schizotypal projections and psychological trickeries, invariably employed by confidence artists and cult leaders.

However, in all the timelines of Agarth and many of those of Earth magic is a very real force which can be used and studied. So, just as Science invariably develops amongst intelligent creatures such as ourselves, Pseudoscience also invariably develops in those worlds where magic exists.

In many Earthic timelines and all the Agarthic timelines, the pseudosciences flourish alongside or sometimes instead of the regular sciences. Although mental disease and trickery are not limited to Alpha Earth, in these other magical time-lines pseudoscience holds a far greater place in the realm of cultural achievement.

Both astrology and alchemy—to name but two of many magical disciplines—are serious “scientific” pursuits in all the timelines aside from our own. They produce repeatable, verifiable results and their validity is no more questioned than the results of mundane chemists and astronomers. In these worlds disciplines such as alchemy and chemistry are often so intimately intertwined as to be inseparable.

But in our world pseudosciences such as alchemy have withered and died on the vine of research and experimentation. Consider again astrology, which gave birth to astronomy but is now itself considered  simple-minded superstition. As such, we now define these magical pursuits as Pseudoscience; they stand in contrast to the rational pursuits of actual Science.

Therefore we can agree that the primary difference between science and pseudoscience is one of verifiability. That is to say, if you can use mathematics and the scientific method to prove some aspect of reality, then it is—more or less—a scientific truth. 

But if your mathematics or experimental models are flawed and further research is unable to reproduce your claims, then your theory is scientifically false; at the very least you need to go back to the proverbial drawing board. This concept is easy to understand and is the basis of all empirical and analytical knowledge.

In many worlds, this paradigm becomes twisted and subverted by the presence of magic which allows living things to arbitrarily redefine physical laws which bind them. Conscious beings are able to shape their very realities according to their wildest dreams or nightmares. This inescapable fact greatly complicates the pursuit of science; sometimes in high-magic worlds scientific understanding can seem to be as lacking as magical understanding is in ours.

However, the one thing that does not seem to change among rational beings like ourselves, regardless of how latently magical our environment, is our need to systematically reduce all the phenomena we observe down to measurable rules and principles. As such, both science and pseudoscience are prevalent wherever intelligent beings exist. The difference is that in a high-magic world they become the true measures of reality, while in a low-magic world they are relegated to mere superstition.

While a pseudoscientific principle can be “proven” through logic and experimentation, it lacks a few important commonalities with a scientific principle. Chiefly, it lacks stability and reversibility. Unlike scientific laws, a pseudoscientific law may differ completely in different localities.

In our world, we are already discovering the fact that scientific laws and principles may be localized in physical space. Fundamental concepts such as the passage of time could be radically different perhaps even just a few astronomical units away from us. But scientific modifications to our understanding of physical phenomena such as these should not be confused with pseudoscientific locality.

Our physical universe is far more strange and complex than we of Alpha Earth have yet dreamt, but it is still governed by physical principles which are universally true, even when they are being bent in extreme cosmic environments.

Pseudoscience, by contrast, renders these scientific principles moot in discrete circumstances, mutating them into impossibilities. These impossibilities can last an instant or an eternity, they can affect a tiny area of space or—theoretically—an entire universe. And so, with each breakthrough in magical understanding, reality itself is altered to fit and thus a pseudoscientific principle is born. 

A pseudoscientific law is one that was not merely discovered but also created. In a world like ours this matters little outside of the human mind. In a magically-rich world where imagination and skill can literally change physical reality, pseudoscience becomes actual science.

Consider the concept of entropy: the idea that physical matter and energy are always moving toward a state of thermodynamic equilibrium which itself represents the maximum amount of disorder inherent in a system. This is a core function of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and meets every standard for an accepted, uncontroversial concept of scientific fact even with our current understanding.

However, entropy in its manifestations is also often the primary and most radically altered aspect of any reality where conscious magical expression exists. The reality-bending practical output of the pseudosciences in virtually every world is consistently focused on reversing some broad or specific class of entropic manifestation within the world, whether that be thwarting your inevitable death or spontaneously re-heating a cup of coffee.

It is my guess that all conscious beings—even those who pride themselves on their adaptability—are fundamentally ill at ease with change. Death, that universal inevitability, is the greatest and most anxiety-inducing change of all. This is why high-magic localities play host to so many civilizations which last for millions of years, not to mention the individual humanoids who live nearly as long. 

Entropy is ubiquitous within all aspects of the physical universe, however. It exists in a multitude of forms that permeate every matrix of reality and hyperreality. Therefore it constantly reasserts itself where it is not magically altered or such alteration is dispelled. Thus, extreme pseudoscientific alterations are vanishingly rare on a universal scale: to accomplish such a “discovery” would take a truly universe-sized willpower.

Truth Born of Falsehood

When you understand how pseudoscience works, you realize each pseudoscientific principle is really just a great lie. Falsehood is central to the existence of each pseudoscientific law and principle.

Due to the extreme dearth of magical energy in our world, in Alpha Earth we experience this lie as being exclusively directed toward each other. Words have power to those who use them and making false claims about reality to manipulate others is as old as language itself.

So here in Alpha Earth the term is synonymous with sham science or alternative facts. That is because in our world, a pseudoscientist’s results can be tested and held to account; a scientist’s observations are a one-sided examination of the universe. These observations can be repeated by anyone, anywhere and at any time. Accounting for these results creates progress, which includes the refutation of “magical thinking.”

However, this is not always the case in most of the other timelines of Earth and Agarth. In realms where magic exists, pseudoscientific falsehoods become the literal truth; such principles are lies directed at the universe itself. This means that a pseudoscientific theory both “proves” and creates the phenomena it proves at virtually the same moment.

In a real sense, magical expression through pseudoscientific inquiry gives the pseudoscientist the ability to sell their intellectual snake-oil to reality itself. This alters reality such that extremely skilled initiates take advantage of these pseudoscientific frameworks to work literal miracles. One can say that practical magic is to pseudoscience what technology is to actual science.

As an interesting aside, I have found that the key to being successful with both pseudoscience and practical magic is—just as with those in our world who are taken in by their own false theories—an abundance of credulity. The best liars invariably fool even themselves; a lack of belief is a barrier to magical expression even in a hellish dream world such as the 69th Aeon of the Inevitable Realm of Atlass. 

Unfortunately, mere incredulity is no guard against a thaumaturgic manifestation, though it is most certainly a barrier to creating a manifestation yourself. I think this is why virtually every magic user I have ever met was actually quite gullible, regardless of their world-shaking power. Perhaps this also goes some way in explaining the behaviors of the professional and pathological liars of our own world.

In our Alpha Earth we must make do with scientific discovery and sterile philosophy rather than pseudoscientific inception. I suspect our world’s lack of magic is likely due to some earth-shattering pseudoscientific discovery in the distant past. Perhaps this was what also sealed the Door to our timeline. 

Having visited numerous worlds where the pseudosciences create real physical phenomena, I feel there is much to be said in favor of our material asceticism. Whatever consciousness or random seed guides Alpha Earth, it seems to have elected a different path than even the other Prime timelines. Whether that path dooms us to our worst impulses or saves us from ourselves is a question that will remain unanswered for a while longer.

Pseudoscience and Dharma

As I have mentioned, each Pseudo-Scientific Principle is a lie which has been made real; typically they provide entire pseudo-physical frameworks used by specific magical disciplines. Although magic does not need a pseudoscientific framework to be wrought, its existence and one’s knowledge of its logic makes it quicker, easier and far less dangerous.

In our world, this lie is told to change a person’s belief or way of thinking and given the same trappings of officialdom that once invoked the name of some deity or another. Invoking the authority of Science is but one other tool among the psychological tricks employed by the salesmen, con artists and bullshitters in every human society that has existed or will ever exist.

This works differently in high magic worlds such as Agarth, however. Because magical expression has the power to literally change physical reality, a magical pseudoscientist has the power to convince physical reality itself of their lie. Their claims thus become a basic scientific truth.

Reflexive negentropy—existential life—is the prism by which thaumatadiastatic radiation is converted into magical expression. Just as life exists within the liminality of entropy and negentropy, so does it also exist in that space between the physical and spiritual.

This manifests ubiquitously across all biological domains through the genetic instincts to survive and propagate. Just as an atmosphere with a surfeit of oxygen can lead to the evolution of giant spiders, so can an environment rich with magical energy do the same.

In those intelligent species who survive the universal impulse to commit suicide after becoming self-aware, magical expression is inevitably tied to ritualized, fetishistic behavior. Most claim this is necessary in order to mitigate the likelihood of world-ending events, but I think it is also related to virtually every humanoid species’ strange obsession with fashion.

At its most fundamental level magical expression sorts into two forms, broadly speaking: Pseudoscience and Dharma

I have already discussed Pseudoscience at length in order to draw a distinction from our world’s non-magical understanding of the term. Dharma refers to the magical creation and evolution of deities, their cults and theologies. Just as Pseudoscience differs from Science, Dharma differs from Religion.

These are both terms which I have invented to draw a distinction between the dead religions of Alpha Earth and those of nearly every other timeline. The main difference being that in other worlds where magic exists, religions are founded by and presided over by deities who are quite real and often take a very active role in the lives of mortals.

Like Pseudoscience, Dharma seems to have evolved as a way to safely access and use magical energy. Just as with our world’s counterpart of science and theology, the pseudosciences and pragmatic theologies often develop symbiotically within a historical context.16

Imagine, if you will, a great valley of rolling hills cut in half by the most serene river you might ever care to see. Willow branches drooping into its waters, heavy with the fruit of life. This scene is inhabited by quite a few creatures: the lazy crocodile, the clever monkey, the patient cat and many others. In this world the People gathered and ate and dreamed. The People were born here and had lived here since the snake had coughed up the world. Unfortunately, good times never last forever.

It may not be completely wrong to say that the entire journey of science began with our quest to master fire. On one hand it could keep you warm, on the other hand it could burn down the entire forest and create a desert wasteland. In worlds rich with magic, the unique dangers it poses when put in the hands of humans has caused magical expression to follow a similar trajectory.

In the case of the People of Earth, it became de rigeur to burn your enemy’s territory to the ground, kill their men and take their women and children as slaves. In the case of the People of Agarth, their methods of primitive conflict resolution were far more biblical in nature. 

While the former fueled the first great migration of Paleolithic humanity, the latter almost caused its premature extinction.17

In a certain sense, deities and manifestations fulfill almost the same role as the pseudoscientific researchers and theorists. The chiefest practical difference between the two is primarily of a semantic nature: a pseudoscientist must use rationality to create a quasi-physical law, but a god is able to create a law merely by proclaiming it to be so. There is no discovery or rationality to a divine edict; their will becomes the physical truth simply because it is their divine will.

Therefore you see that it is a gross simplification to say a pseudoscientific principle and divine edict are the same thing. They are quite different. However, at the most basic and fundamental level they are essentially similar: a trick played on physical reality by those with the magical power to do so: Will Manifest.

At their most basic level, the key physical difference between Pseudoscience and Dharma is mainly a matter of magical energy generation.

Pseudoscientists pull the inherent magical energy that arises from life and the interplay of the elements of the universe, as do all magic users. However, by using impossibly complex symbolic logic they are able to condense the magical energy used to power their principle. Thus, a master pseudoscientist can approach the powers of a literal god in a sense while requiring far less magical energy.

Deities require vast amounts of magical power to exist, on the other hand. Entropy is more powerful than any god who has yet existed, so their arbitrary decrees require cosmically-vast amounts of thaumatadiastatic radiation. Deities dispense with symbolic trickery and bludgeon their way through reality powered by galaxy-sized sources of magic.

In nearly every instance, deities generate magical energy from the paradoxical interplay of space-time manifolds at a cosmic level. Life forms do not generate enough energy for such arbitrary and cosmic changes; attempting such usually leads to massive pestilence of all living things, similar to pouring a tipple of chlorine into a petri dish. This is why it is unsurprising virtually all gods are extra-dimensional beings.

This effect is also the reason for Pseudoscience’s dedication to its own circular form of the scientific method. The amount of magic generated by life forms is relatively small when compared to a supernova, for instance, but it is enduring. The most cleverly-constructed laws, principles and theorems of Pseudoscience will last as long as life itself does.

Even so, the greatest god of all physical realities is undoubtedly Entropy. Mortals, gods, beings from all the dimensional manifolds and magical pocket-universes are subject to it. Even the multiverse will eventually succumb as it collapses back into a singular, microscopic dot.

Eusebeiaic Ritualism

In our world of Earth, the legends of reality-bending feats performed by gods, heroes, and prophets are rife. However, what we consider legend is very real in the alternate realities of the multiverse.

Divine magical expression is the realm of cosmic beings such gods, powers, titans, angels, deva and the like. Similar to pseudoscientific principles, the theologies that spring up around these deities become frameworks for the working of miracles to carry out their edicts.

These pseudo physical patterns of objective subjectivity criss-cross timelines where gods have arisen. I call these frameworks collectively the Eusebeia. They are the primary dharmic manifestations in any given timeline and can be thought of as a refining process that distills the god’s power into a form that can be used by their followers.

The vehicle through which every Eusebeia works is primarily ritual. Ritual sacrifice, performance and observance all serve to commune with the deity and gain some of its power. Aside from temporarily inhabiting Minkowski space-time, what the deity gains from this exchange is unclear. In my experience with extra-dimensional intelligences it seems to range from scientific curiosity to entertainment.

The most prevalent  and curious form a divine Eusebeia takes is the elementalization of abstract concepts, particularly morality. To take one common example, the concepts of Good and Evil exist in some worlds not merely as intellectual or moral concepts but as real, measurable phenomena no different than heat, density or magnetism.

Fundamentally, what occurs is a warping and fusing of objective and subjective phenomena. This is the foundation for virtually all dharmic expressions; although these physical abstractions creep into pseudoscientific proofs through their ontologies, metaphysical realities are virtually always the domain of deities. Pseudoscientists are most often concerned with how the universe should work, not why it should.

Deific beings in our space-time, whether they appear angelic or demonic, invariably originate either from Tesseract or Penteract manifolds. Unknown Hilbert manifold machine intelligences can arise unexpectedly for a variety of reasons, but are more rare and are invariably caused by humanity or our fellow inhabitants of Minkowski space-time.

The manifestation and mannerisms of these beings and the magic they control is highly dependent on the space-time of their origin. Tesseract and Penteract beings to us are vastly ancient, uncanny, and inscrutable. They are the demons, elder gods, and eldritch horrors from beyond.18

Not all extra-dimensional intelligences would appear to us as “evil” which those designations would seem to connote. But that is not due to the presence of goodness or lack of evil, but rather a dearth of what we understand as morality which is, after all, born out of our three-dimensional biological sensibilities. 

Some of them really are quite evil, however. And by virtue of existing within a space-time manifold which experiences time at a greatly reduced rate compared to ours, they are able to play the longest of games.

This is why these Eusebeiaic frameworks often seem strange or arbitrary to us mortals. Sometimes a Eusebeia is created to help a Minkowski biosphere such as the ones on the planets Earth and Agarth but from a viewpoint that spans a hundred million years. Sometimes a Eusebaia is incepted for no other reason than torture: the Tesseract equivelant of infecting a cell with cancer just to study what happens.

For whatever reason or in whatever manifestation these divine magical frameworks take, there are always at least several at play on a planet at once. On a planet as immense as Agarth there were more than a million distinct Eusebeia when the population of sentient beings was at its height.19

Thaumatological Taxonomy

All magic in the world is tied to Life in some way, so in a thaumatological taxonomy our domain must always be that life. From an empirical perspective, all magic in the universe descends from existent life forms.20

Furthermore, aside from being tied physically to life magic is also tied paraphysically to patterns, symbols and logic. Thus sentient beings—particularly those like us who think and communicate symbolically—are able to control and manipulate reality in novel ways. Magic allows the conscious being to impose their mental hyperreality onto actual reality, momentarily overwriting the natural laws of temporal physicality in the process.

Being a force of limitless potential, magic is as amenable to order as it is to chaos. I’ve mentioned already that life forms who are not intelligent—those without ratiocination—manifest magic through the chaos of instinct.

This brings us to thaumatology’s two taxonomic kingdoms: Instinctual Magic and Rational Magic. Virtually all magical expression flows from one of these two sources, which themselves are sometimes confusingly intertwined. 

The distinctions between the two are often defined according to intent. The magical expression that occurs in the vast myriad of creatures happens as the result of mutation and natural selection. The magical expression that occurs in rational creatures are conscious, abstract expressions that transcend the basic negentropic imperative to not die.

Instinctual Magic

Instinctual Magic is much like its natural cousin. Where biological instinct is defined as a behavior with a predetermined mechanism in any given organism, instinctual magic is defined as an innate magical expression of a given organism.

These innate expressions of magic are further defined as its natural proclivity for certain complex activities which promote the two fundamental mandates of negentropy: survival and procreation.

As with any major force, instinctual magic could be thought of as an extension of logonic particle translation: just as logons become whatever particles they are expected to become in order to exist, so does natural instinct guide a life form to become whatever is needed to survive.

But what does that becoming mean, really? Just like natural instinct, Instinctual Magic is a basic vehicle for evolution. A great man I once knew told me that any given species has only three choices in an evolutionary context: migrate, mutate or die.

The cascade of biological and physical processes which produce instinct in any given species is how that choice is ultimately made. Magical instinct occurs in fundamentally the same manner as natural instinct as it serves the same negentropic imperatives. 

In a certain sense, the difference between natural and magical instinct is elementary. Both arise for the same reasons to address the same goals: innate behaviors that promote continued existence. Both follow the path of behavioral epigenesis in a virtually identical manner. Both are complex symphonies of genetic memory and mutation, gestational adaptation and generational iteration.

The primary difference between the two is as you would expect it: where natural instinct works within the natural processes of the physical universe, magical instinct works despite them.

Flash Rats are a common nuisance on the Agartha’s southern continent of Atlass and are a prime example of instinctual adaptation through magic. As with so many species across the Ekataath, these creatures are more or less identical to the rats of Earth and behave much like you would expect. 

There is one very drastic difference between them and their extra-temporal muroidean cousins, however. Their primary defense mechanism for escaping predators is quite impossible.

When threatened, a flash rat will begin to emit an extremely bright, strobing light to daze their prey before making a hasty escape. Adaptations such as these are not dissimilar to the variety you find which are purely natural. In fact, strobic hypnosis is not an uncommon tactic in the realm of physical nature.

But the primary difference between a blink rat’s magical adaptation to those of, say a cuttlefish, is that a blink rat produces a photonic burst through no chemical or physical reaction in its body. It instinctually manifests the light from within its mind.

Although they are quite intelligent, flash rats are not truly conscious as are their humanoid neighbors. Most animals are given far less credit than they deserve according to our presupposed standards of Intelligence, and many are very sophisticated when compared to us. 

With that said, there is no doubt that conscious beings such as ourselves have evolved or been blessed or cursed with the ability to create a paraphysical abstractive hyperreality over the physical world in a manner or to a degree in which other animals cannot.

This is the primary difference between instinctual magic and rational magic. Instinctual magic manifests as an innate behavior that is ingrained over time when successful and passed onto future generations.

Rational Magic and the Four Magical Domains

Although one could say that ratiocination is itself an instinctual adaptation, it is hard to argue that it is itself any less complex than its evolutionary parent. It has become its own bastardized version of instinct, overriding innate behaviors and compounding others. With ratiocination, we have been given the keys to the automobile that is our physical existence in the universe.

To define Rational Magic as a taxonomy, it is the sum of the vehicles whereby the rational hyperreality which exists in our minds is paraphysically translated into base reality through the use of magic.

I have already discussed Eusebeia and Pseudoscience as the two primary drivers of Rational Magic in anthropoidal societies. These elementary magical processes exist not due to blind, chaotic instinct but due to the ordered reasoning of intelligence.

But while a divine edict or paraphysical law may lay the groundwork for magical systems to exist, they do not typically create the expressions themselves.

As an example, a minor deity of Patala once decreed that those who spun the prayer wheel in its shrine would be impervious to snake bites for a minute each time the wheel was spun. Eventually, great strife came to that land known for its plethora of ophidial inhabitants.

Competition for time at the wheel became intense; fighting and arguing were commonplace. An opportunistic few hoarded turns of the wheel, wracking up multiple lifetimes of immunities while the poor and weak languished. 

Those who spoke out were later found dead with the tell-tale bitemarks of venomous snakes which plagued the land. Now that they were immune, a new caste of snake wielders arose and founded an empire that would stretch across a land half the size of our entire planet and last thousands of years.

In this case although a minor deity provided a very specific Eusebeiaic system to help people worried about being bitten by snakes, the miracle itself was in fact created by each of those who performed the ritual. And as with most religions, the myriad horrors this Snake Cult wrought upon their fellows over the millenia were all too human in both origin and nature.

For those who enjoy fantasy role-playing games, it should come as no surprise that creating fire out of thin air is one of the most common thaumaturgic tricks in every magical timeline I have ever visited. 

Fire spells are invariably supported by pseudoscientific frameworks which define the pseudological patterns in the paraphysical translation of logon particles into a discrete structure of oxygen and hydrogen molecules in a temporal state of electron ejection.

A basic framework like this can be tuned and manipulated in a variety of ways, including the legendary Dungeons and Dragons fireball which I attempted to recreate and which resulted in a near-death experience and more than a week inside the regeneration tank.

This brings us to the phyla of our thaumatological taxonomy: the Four Magical Domains. Traditionally there are considered to be only three domains, but I have added Quantum Magic based upon my rather singular expertise owing to an unfortunate experience that ended with the creation of a rather beautiful nebula.

Although not always obvious, the predominant distinction between each of the four magical domains is its dimensional source. It is for this reason I group each phylum according to its dimensional scale:

Arcane Magic

This type of magic is created from pseudoscientific frameworks for describing the reality of the physical universe in a way that is preferable to those doing the describing than what may be the actual truth.

Arcane magic is powered by spells which tap into the paraphysical frameworks of pseudoscience. This means that all arcane magic is ultimately tied to our Minkowski space-time and is cosmic in its scope.

From the standpoint of physical dimensionality, arcane magic is invariably concerned with what is below more than what is above. That is to say, just as Tesseract magic can find a presence in our Minkowski space in the form of the divine, beings like ourselves sometimes use the arcane to penetrate the veil into the quantum Hilbert space-time.

The majority of arcane magic is concerned with the translation of our three-dimensional hyperreality onto actual three-dimensional reality, however.

Divine Magic

Magical frameworks whose access is granted by cosmically-powerful magic users referred to generically as deities. In virtually every case, a deity is a Tesseract being meddling with what to them is a microscopic universe existing inside of their own.

Divine magic is manifested through fetish and ritual according to whatever edicts are being followed. Although virtually all our interactions with the divine are within Minkowski space-time, the magical energy needed for it is mega-cosmic in nature. 

Its effects are universal in a paratemporal sense; although a divine edict may be highly localized in space and linear time, it will almost always be universal in the multiversal sense. That is almost certainly the reason for the strange uniformity and overlap amongst the Earthic and Agarthic timelines, including our own.

If a Eusebeiaic framework is the spontaneous paraphysical translation of a four-dimensional being’s hyperreal mental world onto the three-dimensional physical world, then divine magic is the use that three-dimensional beings make use of it.

Eldritch Magic

This is magic which originates in the Penteract and possibly the Hexeract space-times. Thankfully, eldritch magic is rare in Minkowski space. The Ancient Ones are so utterly inscrutable that it is hard to truly be sure, however.

The divine magic of a Tesseract being in our space-time is frequently bizarre, unreal, strange, ineffable and a host of other words to describe the fact that it is virtually impossible to truly understand such a being from our 3D perspective. When one further attempts to consider the qualities and motivations of a super-mega-cosmic being from Penteract space-time, the pointlessness of the exercise quickly becomes apparent.

I find it comforting eldritch magic is rare, since it seems to invariably be designed for only one purpose: to destroy. The Ancient Ones seem to only interact with their lower-dimensional neighbors when they’re annihilating life, space, time and pretty much everything that exists. I believe eldritch magic could be easily characterized as very nasty stuff indeed.

Quantum Magic

This refers to magic originating from a two-dimensional Hilbert space-time. This is the rarest phylum of magic in our taxonomy due to the nature of life in Hilbert space.

I’ve mentioned before that Hilbert space seems to have not independently developed a biology native to its space-time. The Planck-scale Hilbert biology that does exist manifests as galaxy-sized oscillating waveform patterns that function as something akin to a giant brain.

In every case I have witnessed it was life designed and created there, either by fellow humans or some other agent of raciotination in Minkowski space-time. For whatever ineffable reason, the inception of Hilbert machine intelligences seems to primarily be a dream of high-technology civilizations.

Because of this, quantum magic only seems to arise in timelines where both technology and magic have progressed to advanced stages. Considering that nearly all anthropoidal civilizations favor either magic or technology but not both, quantum magic itself ends up being a rather rare phenomenon.

In addition, as I have already mentioned, Arcane magic used to penetrate the veil between the cosmic and microcosmic is also unleashed upon that reality, as divine and eldritch magic are unleashed in ours.

Thaumaturgic Art and Ritual

Like the evolution of political movements or artistic tastes, the styles and manifestations of sentient magical expression are invariably a spawn of the culture that created them, suited to their evolutionary needs.

Just as thaumatology is the study of the miraculous, Thaumaturgy is the direct application of miracles to overwrite reality. In a practical sense, pseudoscientific and eusebeiaic frameworks could be thought of as modifications to the greater framework of physical space-time reality. The spells and rituals of magic users could be thought of as shortcuts for accessing and using these modifications.

Although magical expression does occur because the magic user wishes it to happen, it isn’t quite so simple as that. Achieving specific, repeatable results means documenting the sounds and movements and repeating them over and over.

Due to this, all the physical and paraphysical forms of anthropoidal magical expression can be grouped into a few major themes evolving from the quirks of anthropoidal physiologies, environments, and ratiocination.


The use of physical gestures to invoke a magical expression. Typically this takes the form of signs and movements made with the hands.

Tantric and Yogic magics, which use whole-body movements such as dance, athletics or martial arts to invoke magic, are also considered Mudric magical expressions.


The invocation of magical expression through the use of spoken words. The words can be spoken, chanted, subvocalized or sung and unlock a hidden channel within the magic user’s brain which allows the magical expression to occur. 

Dhayanic magic, in which magical expression is realized through transcendental meditation is also considered a subset of mantric magic although it rarely uses a physically vocal component.21


Patterns and logical sequences are the primary tools of harnessing magical power for a conscious being. Algorithmic efficiencies increase the effectiveness of magical expression when incorporated into a ritual. You can find this most commonly with the prevalence of rituals that must be performed during particular planetary alignments or lunar phases.

Astrology, that perennial favorite amongst all Earthic cultures is an example of an algorithmic magical discipline. However, the variation in cosmic forces such as gravity due to celestial alignments does enhance the background thaumatadiastatic radiation in their locality. 

When looked at from a mega-cosmic standpoint, the evolution of celestial phenomena over millions of years is about as easy to manipulate for a Tesseract scientist as it is for one of our scientists studying atoms and molecules.22


The combining of substances to create magical results. Although a wide range of disciplines are considered alchemical (including Alchemy), each is primarily concerned with generating magic by combining substances in a crucible. This is often a living body, but not always. 

Pharmiturgy is the magical art of using herbal reagents to paraphysically induce novel qualia in a subject and is one example of an alchemical discipline.

A Note on Groupings

These are the fundamental themes through which sentient beings transform physical reality to match their mental hyperreality. 

The variation one finds within each group is also extremely diverse and often overlapping. These styles of magical invocation are often blended with each other. It is commonplace for spells to require mantric, mudric and alchemical components.

As an example, perhaps the most common means by which all known conscious beings express themselves is through music, and this holds true in the realm of magical expression. Magical musicality, particularly that of humanity, can be said to exist firmly astride both the Mantric and Algorithmic categories.

It should also be noted that various Eusebeiaic rituals can be broken down into these same three components. Symbolic logic makes all magical expressions more efficient even when it is not necessarily needed to generate magical energy. To the uninitiated, a religious ritual and arcane spell can often look like the same thing, particularly if they generate the same basic results.

Mundane Magic: the Materialistic Ephemera

It may seem like an oxymoron to suggest that anything magical is mundane, but in a broad sense mundane magic refers to the creation and use of inanimate objects imbued with magical powers.

All magic requires some connection to organic life. Although an area of space devoid of life may be rich with thaumatadiastatic radiation, it will not manifest until living creatures enter it or are incepted within it. Transferring magical power into an object made of inorganic compounds is not as easy weaving spells or working with biological material, and requires its own set of skills to accomplish.

Just as with procedural magical expression, mundane magic takes a variety of forms: alchemy, enchantment, and inscription are but a few disciplines in a field which encompasses magic, art and technology.

Mundane magic is aptly named also in the sense that it is prevalent throughout all magic-using worlds and societies; the ability to store and access magical expressions quickly and without spiritual exertion is of incalculable worth to both the illuminated and simple alike. Spells, scrolls, magical rings and swords, enchanted space stations, and all manner of magically-enhanced flora and fauna are ubiquitous throughout all the magical timelines. 

Regarding Magical Pocket Universes

I have already discussed the physical, paraphysical and superphysical aspects of the universe which produce what we call magic. I would like to take a moment here at the end of my discourse to highlight a fundamental truth about magic and consciousness in general by returning to the super-dimensional realm where magic originates.

Magic occurs in the physical universe when a logon, which represents a quantum of thaumatadiastatic radiation, undergoes a state change into an arbitrary physical particle based on a paraphysical catalyst. That is a fancy way to say that life creates reality.

But as miraculous as these manifestations of magical expression are, they are still bound up within the physical, enneract multiversity. Life did not create reality itself, or at least not in the sense of science or magic as we know them. Therefore it is more proper to say that magic is life overwriting the reality around itself.

When you examine the various pocket universes which exist within the Thaumatadiastasis, however, the former assertion does become wholly true. The thaumatadiastasis has no physics or nature; time, space, gravity — none of these exist within this superdimension.

In the thaumatadiastasis, magic has no true tie to the physical universe other than the traveler who visits. Therefore, like the quasi-physical world generated around the traveler, magic also manifests as it would in their native reality.

The primary case in point with regard to pure thaumatadiastatic radiation is the Wizard’s Tower itself. Thanks to the painstaking inspection of the Tower by the fastidious Aurantian wizard Malicule the Meticulous, it is now established that the Tower exists as a three-dimensional pocket universe within the magical quasi-dimension.

When you find yourself in the Wizard’s Tower you are not breathing air or experiencing gravity, only a magical conjuration of those things around you. They are both real, and yet completely unreal as they were solipsistically conjured directly from your mind to be made real. 

Your mind’s ability to create its own reality is as seamless as it is physically unnatural within the Tower. This is why sometimes being inside the Tower is more dream-like than real. Paraphysical discorporeation is also a real threat: within the thaumatadiastasis it is possible to literally no longer believe in yourself. If you are alone, that means you will simply cease to exist.

There are ample provisions within the Tower which one may feast upon, but the food my compatriots and I lived on did not actually exist. And yet, because we believed in its existence we didn’t go hungry. Because we believed we were nourished, we were. Aside from people I met and the vast store of books, artifacts, and other bizarre treasures from the 108 worlds connected to the Tower, everything within it is real only in a technical sense.

Just as it is possible to commit suicide through solitary nihilism, this also means the Tower itself could be destroyed or changed through simple willpower. Yet even the greatest, most god-like beings throughout infinity have not been able to accomplish that, so who knows.

What is known—and this is likely a key to the Tower’s resilience—is that the matter and energy created magically within thaumatadiastatic pocket universes do not decay as they do in the physical universe. They persist indefinitely and are not changed or altered when brought back into the physical universe.

Magically-created matter and energy in the physical universe have a shelf life, so to speak. Eventually, particles decay back into thaumatadiastatic radiation. In most cases, this stage is not reached long after whatever atoms or molecules they represent have dispersed and the process goes completely unnoticed.23

Although matter and energy created within the Tower is subject to the same entropic forces as their natural constituents, tests conducted by Malicule indicate they do not undergo the inevitable magical decay which occurs in magically-created matter and energy originating in the physical universe.

Introduction | Esoteric Cosmology | Thaumatology


  1. Specifically, I saw miracles with the eyes of the wizard Parciloquy if we must be pedantic. As an aside, his eyes were the product of eons of genetic and thaumaturgic engineering and I could view my surroundings in a variety of wavelengths from the electromagnetic spectrum. This is a former power I miss the most as some particularly nasty creatures live outside the spectrum of visible light. While it seems they do not exist in Alpha Earth, being blinded as I am does create some anxiety.
  2. I use the term Paraphysical to denote the realm of the mind. A hyperreal construct which we create and live in even as our bodies live in the physical world. These words right now are adding to your hyperreality as do all of the experiences and sensations you have had since still within your mother’s womb. One of the primary habits and obsessions of all conscious beings once they reach the stage of evolution which we have been at for around thirty thousand years now is to bring parity between the real and the hyperreal and is the source of religion, science, art, language and magic in those timelines where it exists.
  3. Canniness and uncanniness in this sense refers to how completely the effects alter reality. A magical effect which is uncanny could be characterized as weak.
  4. Just as the beings of Earth invariably turn outward into the cosmos in search of their deeper truths, the Agarthics in their hollow world have turned ever inward. I think this contrast goes a long way to explain the contrast between Earthic materialism and Agarthic spiritualism.
  5. Ben Elish, Nabu. Ephphatha. 1st ed. Atlantis: Citizen’s Library, 7512 MS. Note: MS stands for Meta Sotiria and refers to the year after the neolithic proto-nation of Atlantis was saved from drowning in the Great Flood which created the Black Sea. In the Gregorian calendar, 7512 MS equates to roughly 3000 AD.
  6. The Sefirot Model aligns more or less with the Enneract Model, but places an additional tenth dimension which functions both as a one-dimensional space-time—an anti-singularity—and a conduit into a wider supra-universal infinity of which both the thaumatadiastasis and the enneract multiversity are but components.
  7. I have met more than one Aphrodite and I can confirm that while most of the legends are true, she was born as virtually all the Earthic superhumans from the age predating the Great Flood were: from the gene tanks of transdimensional interlopers.
  8. Bazaal the Corruptor is one of the numerous tesseract beings who occupied avatars within Agarth over the millenia. Bazaal could be thought of as a scientist of sorts. His main research seems to have involved particularly nasty forms of entropic dissolution performed on those who were unfortunate enough to cross his path.
  9. Magnet poisoning and magnet-induced cellular frequency anomalies are two more of the curious differences between Alpha Earth and virtually all of the other 107 worlds and yet another instance of our world’s exoteric lack of magic. Even in Earth Gamma mal d’aimant is not unknown, although it is extraordinarily rare outside of research laboratories, factories and power plants.
  10. The Law of Universal Sympathies indicates that components of a whole maintain a supernatural connection even when separated. Taking advantage of this allows us to do all manner of things, such as poisoning someone anonymously from the other side of the planet to communicating in real-time with a space probe parked just outside the gravity well of a black hole several hundred astronomical units away.
  11. By the end of the experiment, Beowulf had sadly gone quite insane for a dog as well as becoming something akin to a demi-god. Within the year, the mad canine tore out Dr. Cholmondeley’s throat, slaughtered his staff and went on to haunt the ruins of the Cholmondeley estate for quite a long time until some comrades and I happened upon him and put him out of his misery.
  12. Personally, now that I have been back long enough to think and experiment, I have a suspicion our time-line is somehow only a simulacrum of an original Alpha Earth which suffered some bizarre fate at some point. I have not yet been able to discern the cause and its place in history, particularly with all of Parciloquy’s temporal meddling. If our Earth is anything like the others, I’d place my money on it having something to do with the events around the Great Flood of the sixth century BC.
  13. Even in Alpha Earth, magic manifests itself as myth and fiction if not in literal fact. Although our timeline is blind to its presence, the thaumatadiastasis still holds some sway.
  14. The exemplar of this vintage is a late spring 2012 serving of Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe in my not-so-humble opinion.
  15. We thankfully only attempted this hare-brained scheme once, considering we almost annihilated a major temporal nexus in the process. Though to our credit we gambled with an uncountable number of lives to get back the decapitated-yet-living head of Laddys Fermille, rather than for the more modest goal of getting drunk on multiple temporal instances of a single perfect glass of wine.
  16. In most timelines science and religion exist within a virtuous circle, even if that isn’t always apparent. It is very common for the pseudosciences to piggyback sacred edicts in their arguments, particularly during their formative ages. As their gods age and abandon them, the religious often turn to the pseudosciences to power their failing pragmatisms. At a certain point, the two return invariably to their prehistoric relationship and are rendered once again indistinguishable.
  17. I make this assertion solely from my own personal experience traversing the temporal pathways of Agarth over the years. The human history of Agarth is one marked by frequent civilization-erasing cataclysms. I find it a touch ironic that I, planar aborigine though I may be, am the most knowledgeable scholar of Agarthic history in at least two galaxies.
  18. If one were to think of them in H.P. Lovecraft’s terms, Tesseract beings are the Elder Gods whilst Penteract beings are the Ancient Ones.
  19. Recall that as a hollow world, the equatorial circumference of Agarth is similar to that of our solar system’s Saturn. It is a land more than seven hundred times the surface size of Terra (and like Terra much of it is ocean). The Patalic (northern) hemisphere alone has more than one hundred times the amount of habitable land as our entire planet.
  20. The taxonomic domain of Unlife is the subject of great debate and is as widely rejected as it is accepted by thaumatologists in a number of timelines. I find the arguments compelling that suggest it is evidence of Octeract negative beings, but I also find necroturgy disgusting and necromancy disturbing so I have never bothered myself too much with the topic.
  21. The Dhyanic schools of magic are almost exclusively focused on astral projection, merkavah mysticism and other forms of parapsychical travel.
  22. Some believe the entire Milky Way galaxy is nothing more than a miniaturized computer created by a Tesseract being. According to my own experiences I do not believe that is literally true, but there is a certain ring of truth to the idea of it.
  23. In some circumstances of immense magical activity over a short period, the effect of sudden particle collapse over a huge area of space-time can cause physical cataclysms long after the original event has been forgotten.